


Indigenous protectors of these sacred peaks have kept others out—till now: The Arhuaco invite National Geographic to the upper reaches of their Colombian homeland to reveal threats we all face—and remind us of our roots in nature. For National Geographic

Shifting ACElines: A photographer documents the beaches of her youth along South Carolina’s ACE Basin as they shift and re-form beyond recognition. For Hakai Magazine

Climate change forces desperate Guatemalans to migrate: Drought and shifting weather are making it difficult for many small-scale farmers to feed their families, fueling a human crisis. For National Geographic

How to undermine the black market for poison dart frogs: In Colombia, the illegal trade in poison frogs for pets has pushed some to the brink of extinction. For National Geographic

Maya ritual cave ‘untouched’ for 1,000 years stuns archaeologists: Exploration of Balamku (Cave of the Jaguar God) reveals ancient religious practices—and may hold clues to the rise and fall of the Maya empire. For National Geographic

Critically endangered turtles under siege during Lent: In Colombia, intensive poaching in the weeks leading up to Easter threatens the long-term survival of two turtle species. For National Geographic

In the Colombian Amazon, peace has environmental consequences: The end of what was once the Western Hemisphere’s longest-running armed conflict is assumed to be an outcome broadly beneficial to society, but for the environment it has proven to be a double-edged sword. For PRI/The World


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